There has long been a significant stigma attached to living with missing teeth. There really shouldn’t be any such stigma considering how common tooth loss really is. Here are two statistics that might surprise you: over 36,000,000 people in North America have no natural teeth (including roughly 30% of adults between 65 and 74 years of age). For all those people with permanent tooth loss seeking solutions, here’s one more statistic to keep in mind: dental implants in Red Deer have a success rate of 98%. What are the benefits of dental implants that make them so successful and so popular for restoring lost teeth and confidence?
Dental implants prevent bone loss
Losing teeth means losing tooth roots. Those roots do much more than hold your teeth in place. They also provide the stimulation necessary to keep your jaw bone growing and to keep the jaw bone’s mass and density intact. In a way that bridges and dentures simply can not, dental implants near you replace the roots of your teeth to ensure that your bone loss will remain healthy and intact.
Dental implants will prevent the shape of your face from changing
Your teeth do more than process food and your jaw bone does more than support those teeth. Both your teeth and jaw bone define the shape of your face by providing support for the muscles, tissues and flesh of your face. Without teeth and as your jaw bone shrinks in mass and density, your face will gradually take on a prematurely aged and sunken appearance. By simultaneously replacing your teeth and the roots of your teeth, implants preserve your youthful appearance.
Dental implants will restore the strength of your bite
Dentures replace a lot of the appearance of natural teeth and much of their dental function, but they can never restore the strength of your natural bite exerted by your jaw. The reason for that is simple: Dentures float on your gums without getting any support from your jaw. Dental implants are different. Implants don’t rely on your gums or any neighbouring teeth but are rooted directly in your jaw just like your own teeth were. Biting, eating and chewing with implants will be just like and as powerful as biting, eating and chewing with natural teeth.
With dental implants, you’ll be able to speak naturally
Implants will let you speak normally
The shape and size of the inside of your mouth are critical factors in your ability to speak clearly and naturally. If the shape and size of the interior of your mouth changes — like when you start wearing dentures, for example — you need to become accustomed to the shape of your mouth and relearn to pronounce all sounds and words. You’ll get used to the changes, but the changes will take getting used to. And some of the changes to the way you speak may be permanent.
With dental implants, the space and size of the inside of your mouth will not change. As such, you will not be forced to adjust to new ways of speaking or make any sacrifices to your pronunciation or speaking style.
Implants require no special effort to maintain
Opting for dentures means signing up for a new lifestyle including cleaning and soaking regimes based denture-specific products while removing your dentures every night and putting them back in your mouth every morning. With dentures, your own lifestyle and habits will be restored. You won’t need to make any changes. Implants are not removed and don’t need to be cleaned or soaked with any special products. Just brush and floss as normal, and see your dentist in Red Deer regularly while receiving all recommended dental treatment to ensure your general oral health.
If you’re ready to claim these benefits of implants for yourself, contact a dentist near you to arrange an assessment to confirm you’re a good candidate for dental implants.
Address: 4619 48 Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 3S8, Canada