Dental care is an integral part of our overall health, although, unfortunately, it is also one of the most neglected. Apart from the fact that many of us do not have dental benefits, neither from the government nor from our employers, there exists a lack of information about oral health that is leading to a rising number of dental health concerns in the country.
Here we will try to address some of the most common dental care concerns.
1. How Often Is A Visit To A Dental Clinic Recommended?
The frequency of your visits to the dentist near you will depend on your specific dental health needs. However, as a rule of thumb, it is recommended that you get a dental exam done every 6 months so that any impending concerns can be detected early. Early detection means better treatment and results.
2. Are X-rays Required At Each Visit?
The short answer is no. The requirement for an X-ray will depend on what the visit to the dental clinic near you is about. For routine visits, the dentist might not require X-rays unless they detect a matter of concern. It is important to remember here that dental X-rays emit very little radiation, and provide a better picture of your problem to the dentist, aiding in the correct diagnosis of the issue.
3. What Should Be Done If A Dentist Recommends A Treatment That You Know Nothing About?
Ask for clarification or an explanation. At times people feel embarrassed to reveal their ignorance, but there is nothing wrong with asking questions about a procedure that you are expected to undergo. You can ask for images of how the treatment is conducted, how many times has the dentist performed this procedure, and what might the overall cost come to?
Remember, you have the right to decide how and when you want the treatment to be performed.
4. What Are My Options If I Do Not Have Dental Insurance, And Cannot Afford The Cost Of Dental Care?
Dental plans offered by many employers are meant to pay for your dental care. Most Canadians enjoy the benefits of dental plans, where the insurance provider reimburses them for dental costs according to the coverage provided by their employers.
If you do not have dental insurance, you should ask your dentist in Red Deer for a payment plan. These plans are designed to relieve you of a large one-time cost and enable smaller payments spread over a period of time.
If you cannot afford dental care even with payment plans, contact your nearest:
- Social services agency, to check if you qualify for government-aided dental care.
- Dental school where senior students provide low-cost treatments.
5. When Appointing A New Dentist, How Can The Dental Records Be Transferred From The Former Dentist To The Latter?
You have to remember that the original dental records belong to the dentist and not the patient. Dentists are required by the provincial dental regulatory body to keep dental records of their patients for a specified period.
If you have appointed a new dentist and want them to have your previous dental records, you can request a copy of those from the former dental clinic. You might be asked to sign a release form and pay some administrative fee to have this done.
6. How To Ascertain If A Dentist Is Following Health And Safety Protocols?
Your health is very important to your dentist. Most dentists take the utmost care to make sure that your visit to their clinic is safe. Wearing gloves and masks, keeping the clinic sanitized, and sterilizing instruments frequently, are some of the ways in which a dentist prevents the spread of germs.
If you have any doubts over this matter, you can ask to be shown how the dental clinic follows ‘standard precautions’. Dentists are eager to ease the concerns of their patients, rather than having them walk out of the clinic full of questions!
As one of the more trusted dental clinics in Red Deer, Gaetz Dental has a team of experienced dental care providers who are capable of answering any query that you may have!